20 条题解
Bill_Yang LV 10 @ 2017-07-25 19:20:42
代码如下:#include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<vector> #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<queue> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; inline const LL Get_Int() { LL num=0,bj=1; char x=getchar(); while(x<'0'||x>'9') { if(x=='-')bj=-1; x=getchar(); } while(x>='0'&&x<='9') { num=num*10+x-'0'; x=getchar(); } return num*bj; } int n,m,Go[2005][2],ansl; LL a[2005],x0,Dist[2005][2005],Min[2005],Second[2005],ans[2]= {1,10000000000}; int main() { n=Get_Int(); for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)a[i]=Get_Int(); memset(Min,0x7f,sizeof(Min)); memset(Second,0x7f,sizeof(Second)); for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { int Minl=0,Secondl=0; for(int j=i+1; j<=n; j++) { Dist[i][j]=abs(a[i]-a[j]); if(Dist[i][j]<Min[i]||(Dist[i][j]==Min[i]&&a[j]<a[Minl])) { Second[i]=Min[i]; Secondl=Minl; Min[i]=Dist[i][j]; Minl=j; } else if(Dist[i][j]<Second[i]||(Dist[i][j]==Second[i]&&a[j]<a[Secondl])) { Second[i]=Dist[i][j]; Secondl=j; } } Go[i][0]=Minl; Go[i][1]=Secondl; } x0=Get_Int(); for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { //从i开始 LL Now=i,dist=0,chose=1,sum[2]= {0}; while(Go[Now][chose]&&dist+Dist[Now][Go[Now][chose]]<=x0) { dist+=Dist[Now][Go[Now][chose]]; sum[chose]+=Dist[Now][Go[Now][chose]]; Now=Go[Now][chose]; chose^=1; } if(sum[0]!=0&&(ans[1]*sum[0]>ans[0]*sum[1]||(ans[1]*sum[0]==ans[0]*sum[1]&&a[i]>a[ansl]))) { ans[1]=sum[1]; ans[0]=sum[0]; ansl=i; } } printf("%d\n",ansl); m=Get_Int(); while(m--) { LL Now=Get_Int(),x=Get_Int(),dist=0,chose=1,sum[2]= {0}; while(Go[Now][chose]&&dist+Dist[Now][Go[Now][chose]]<=x) { dist+=Dist[Now][Go[Now][chose]]; sum[chose]+=Dist[Now][Go[Now][chose]]; Now=Go[Now][chose]; chose^=1; } printf("%lld %lld\n",sum[1],sum[0]); } return 0; }
#include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<vector> #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<queue> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; inline const LL Get_Int() { LL num=0,bj=1; char x=getchar(); while(x<'0'||x>'9') { if(x=='-')bj=-1; x=getchar(); } while(x>='0'&&x<='9') { num=num*10+x-'0'; x=getchar(); } return num*bj; } const int maxn=100005; int n,m,Go[maxn][2],ansl,Left[maxn],Right[maxn],p[maxn][25]; LL x0,a[maxn],ans[2]= {1,10000000000},Dist[maxn][2],DistA[maxn][25],DistB[maxn][25]; struct City { int height,pos; bool operator < (const City& b) const { return height<b.height; } } b[maxn]; LL dist(int x,int y) { return abs(a[x]-a[y]); } void Sparse_Table() { for(int i=1; i<n; i++) { p[i][0]=Go[Go[i][1]][0]; DistA[i][0]=Dist[i][1]; DistB[i][0]=Dist[Go[i][1]][0]; } for(int j=1; j<=log2(n); j++) for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { p[i][j]=p[p[i][j-1]][j-1]; if(!p[i][j])continue; DistA[i][j]=DistA[i][j-1]+DistA[p[i][j-1]][j-1]; DistB[i][j]=DistB[i][j-1]+DistB[p[i][j-1]][j-1]; } } void Jump(int Now,LL x,LL* sum) { int k=log2(n); LL tot=0; for(int i=k; i>=0; i--) if(p[Now][i]&&tot+DistA[Now][i]+DistB[Now][i]<=x) { tot+=DistA[Now][i]+DistB[Now][i]; sum[1]+=DistA[Now][i]; sum[0]+=DistB[Now][i]; Now=p[Now][i]; } if(tot+DistA[Now][0]<=x) { tot+=DistA[Now][0]; sum[1]+=DistA[Now][0]; Now=Go[Now][1]; } } int main() { n=Get_Int(); for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { a[i]=Get_Int(); b[i].height=a[i]; b[i].pos=i; } sort(b+1,b+n+1); for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { Left[b[i].pos]=b[i-1].pos; Right[b[i].pos]=b[i+1].pos; } for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { //双向链表处理最近次近 LL Min=1e15,Second=1e15; int Minl=0,Secondl=0; if(Left[i])Min=min(Min,dist(i,Left[i])),Minl=Left[i]; if(Left[Left[i]]&&dist(i,Left[Left[i]])<Second)Second=dist(i,Left[Left[i]]),Secondl=Left[Left[i]]; if(Right[i]&&dist(i,Right[i])<Min) { Second=Min; Secondl=Minl; Min=dist(i,Right[i]); Minl=Right[i]; } else if(Right[i]&&dist(i,Right[i])<Second)Second=dist(i,Right[i]),Secondl=Right[i]; if(Right[Right[i]]&&dist(i,Right[Right[i]])<Second)Second=dist(i,Right[Right[i]]),Secondl=Right[Right[i]]; Go[i][0]=Minl; Go[i][1]=Secondl; Dist[i][0]=Min; Dist[i][1]=Second; if(Right[i])Left[Right[i]]=Left[i]; if(Left[i])Right[Left[i]]=Right[i]; } Sparse_Table(); x0=Get_Int(); for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { //从i开始 LL sum[2]= {0,0}; Jump(i,x0,sum); if(sum[0]!=0&&(ans[1]*sum[0]>ans[0]*sum[1]||(ans[1]*sum[0]==ans[0]*sum[1]&&a[i]>a[ansl]))) { ans[1]=sum[1]; ans[0]=sum[0]; ansl=i; } } printf("%d\n",ansl); m=Get_Int(); while(m--) { LL sum[2]= {0,0},Now=Get_Int(),x=Get_Int(); Jump(Now,x,sum); printf("%lld %lld\n",sum[1],sum[0]); } return 0; }
22017-11-07 22:53:19@
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <set> using namespace std; template<typename T>inline void read(T &_) { _=0;char __=getchar();bool ___=false; while(__<'0' || __>'9'){if(__=='-') ___=true;__=getchar();} while(__>='0' && __<='9'){_=(_<<3)+(_<<1)+__-'0';__=getchar();} if(___) _=-_; } const int maxn=1e5+5; #define ll long long struct Node { int id,high; inline bool operator<(const Node &B)const { return high<B.high; } }E[maxn]; struct Edge { int id,cut; inline bool operator<(const Edge &B)const { return cut==B.cut?E[id].high<E[B.id].high:cut<B.cut; } }book[5]; set<Node>s; struct Line { int nexta,nextb; }line[maxn]; int f[maxn][21]; int dis1[maxn][21]; int dis2[maxn][21]; inline void pack(int now,int &top,set<Node>::iterator pos) { book [++top]=(Edge){pos->id,abs(pos->high-E[now].high)}; } void del(int now) { set<Node>::iterator pos=s.find(E[now]); int top=0; if(pos!=s.begin()) { pos--; pack(now,top,pos); if(pos!=s.begin()) pack(now,top,--pos),pos++; pos++; } if(++pos!=s.end()) { pack(now,top,pos); if(++pos!=s.end()) pack(now,top,pos); } sort(book+1,book+top+1); line[now].nextb=book[1].id; if(top>=2) line[now].nexta=book[2].id; } int n; inline void query(int begin,int limit,int &disa,int &disb) { for(int i=20;i>=0;i--) { if(begin+(1<<i)<=n && f[begin][i] && dis1[begin][i]+dis2[begin][i]<=limit) { disa+=dis1[begin][i]; disb+=dis2[begin][i]; limit-=dis1[begin][i]+dis2[begin][i]; begin=f[begin][i]; } } if(!line[begin].nexta) return; int ret=abs(E[begin].high-E[line[begin].nexta].high); if(ret<=limit) disa+=ret; } int main() { read(n); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) read(E[i].high),E[i].id=i; for(int i=n;i>=1;i--) { s.insert(E[i]); if(i!=n) del(i); } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { int v1=line[i].nexta,v2=line[v1].nextb; dis1[i][0]=v1?abs(E[i].high-E[v1].high):0; dis2[i][0]=v2?abs(E[v1].high-E[v2].high):0; f[i][0]=v2; } for(int j=1;j<=20;j++) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { f[i][j]=f[f[i][j-1]][j-1]; dis1[i][j]=dis1[i][j-1]+dis1[f[i][j-1]][j-1]; dis2[i][j]=dis2[i][j-1]+dis2[f[i][j-1]][j-1]; } int x0;read(x0); int final=0; int ansa=0x3f3f3f3f,ansb=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { int disa=0,disb=0; query(i,x0,disa,disb); if(disa) { if(!final || ((ll)disa*ansb<(ll)disb*ansa)) { final=i; ansa=disa; ansb=disb; } else if((ll)disa*ansb==(ll)disb*ansa && E[i].high>E[final].high) { final=i; ansa=disa; ansb=disb; } } } printf("%d\n",final); int m;read(m); for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) { int begin,limit; read(begin),read(limit); int disa=0,disb=0; query(begin,limit,disa,disb); printf("%d %d\n",disa,disb); } return 0; }
12018-11-07 22:31:18@
下面是有良心带注释的代码a.a#include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> #include<cstdio> #define N 100001 #define next nextt #define inf 2000000000 using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int n,m,h[N];//h保存高度 int fa[N],fb[N],f[20][N];//fa,fb表示a,b在点i走一步的目标,f表示2^j轮后的目标 ll ca[N],cb[N];//ca,cb表示a,b在点i走一步的距离 ll dis[20][N],disa[20][N],disb[20][N];//dis,disa,disb表示2^j轮内总距离、a距离和b距离 int next[N],last[N];//双向链表 struct point{//结构体用于排序和构建链表 int id; ll h; }val[N]; bool operator<(point a,point b){//用于排序 return a.h<b.h; } void getaim(int s,int &c1,int &c2){//求后续点,c1表示B目标,c2表示A目标,c1表示第一近,c2表示第二近 int cnt=0,id[5],i; ll h1,h2; ll a1[5]; c1=c2=0; h1=h2=inf; if(next[s]) a1[++cnt]=h[next[s]],id[cnt]=next[s]; if(next[next[s]]) a1[++cnt]=h[next[next[s]]],id[cnt]=next[next[s]]; if(last[s]) a1[++cnt]=h[last[s]],id[cnt]=last[s]; if(last[last[s]]) a1[++cnt]=h[last[last[s]]],id[cnt]=last[last[s]]; for(i=1;i<=cnt;i++){ int v=abs(a1[i]-h[s]); if(v<h1 || v==h1&&a1[i]<h[c1]){ c2=c1; c1=id[i]; h2=h1; h1=v; }else if(v<h2 || v==h2&&a1[i]<h[c2]){ h2=v; c2=id[i]; } } } void link(){//排序并构造链表 sort(val+1,val+n+1); int i; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ if(i!=1){ last[val[i].id]=val[i-1].id; }else last[val[i].id]=0; if(i!=n){ next[val[i].id]=val[i+1].id; }else next[val[i].id]=0; } } void getfa(){//求倍增初始值 int i,a,b; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ getaim(i,b,a); if(a==0) fa[i]=i,ca[i]=0; else fa[i]=a,ca[i]=abs(h[a]-h[i]);//记录a目标点和距离 if(b==0) fb[i]=i,cb[i]=0; else fb[i]=b,cb[i]=abs(h[b]-h[i]);//记录b目标点和距离 if(last[i])//删除链表 next[last[i]]=next[i]; if(next[i]) last[next[i]]=last[i]; } for(i=1;i<=n;i++){//获取倍增初始值 if(cb[fa[i]]==0||ca[i]==0){//如果无法走完一轮则记录0 f[0][i]=i; dis[0][i]=0; disa[0][i]=0; disb[0][i]=0; }else{//可以走完一轮则记录走一轮的值 f[0][i]=fb[fa[i]]; dis[0][i]=cb[fa[i]]+ca[i]; disa[0][i]=ca[i]; disb[0][i]=cb[fa[i]]; } } } void pow(){//倍增 int i,j; for(j=1;j<20;j++){ for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ f[j][i]=f[j-1][f[j-1][i]]; dis[j][i]=dis[j-1][i]+dis[j-1][f[j-1][i]]; disa[j][i]=disa[j-1][i]+disa[j-1][f[j-1][i]]; disb[j][i]=disb[j-1][i]+disb[j-1][f[j-1][i]]; } } } void getlen(int s,ll x,ll &sa,ll &sb){//求解a,b路程 int i,v=s; ll p=x; sa=sb=0; for(i=19;i>=0;i--){ if(p>=dis[i][v]){//先求轮次 p-=dis[i][v]; sa+=disa[i][v]; sb+=disb[i][v]; v=f[i][v]; } } if(p>=ca[v]) sa+=ca[v];//若a可以继续走,则记录 } #define eps 1e-6 void work1(ll x){//求第一个问题 int i,ans=1,flag=0;//flag表示是否为正无穷 double pi=inf;//pi记录比值 ll sa=0,sb=0;//表示a,b距离 for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ getlen(i,x,sa,sb); if(sb>0){ double p1=sa,p2=sb; p1=p1/p2; if(p1<pi-eps||(p1-pi<eps&&pi-p1<eps&&h[i]>h[ans])){//若比值更小,或比值相等且高度更大则更新 pi=p1; ans=i; flag=1; } }else if(!flag&&h[i]<h[ans]) ans=i; //若比值均为正无穷且高度更大更新 } cout<<ans<<endl; } void work2(int s,ll x){//求解第二个问题 ll sa,sb; getlen(s,x,sa,sb); cout<<sa<<" "<<sb<<"\n"; } int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int i,a; ll x; cin>>n; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin>>a; h[i]=val[i].h=a; val[i].id=i; } link();getfa();pow(); cin>>x; work1(x); cin>>m; for(i=1;i<=m;i++){ cin>>a; cin>>x; work2(a,x); } return 0; }
12017-11-11 15:14:10@
#include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <deque> #include <set> #include <limits> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; namespace dts { typedef long long ll; //const ll oomin=(numeric_limits<ll>::min)(),oomax=(numeric_limits<ll>::max)(); const ll oomin=(int)(0xcfcfcfcf),oomax=(int)(0x3f3f3f3f); ll n,m,*hp,spS,spR,bzS; ll h[125000+1+1]; ll fa[125000+1]; ll lc[125000+1]; ll rc[125000+1]; ll pla[125000+1]; ll sum[125000+1]; ll bza[125000+1][20];//bz a to ll bzaa[125000+1][20];//bz a sum a ll bzab[125000+1][20];//bz a sum b ll bzb[125000+1][20];//bz b to ll bzba[125000+1][20];//bz b sum a ll bzbb[125000+1][20];//bz b sum b #define llabs(x) (ll(abs(double(x)))) ll cmph(ll x,ll y) { return (llabs(x-(*hp))<llabs(y-(*hp))||y==oomin||y==oomax); } void rotate(ll now,ll aim) { if (aim==fa[spR]) spR=now; while (fa[now]!=aim) { ll nowfa=fa[now],fafa=fa[nowfa],cc; if (sum[now]>sum[nowfa]) { cc=lc[now]; lc[now]=nowfa; rc[nowfa]=cc; } else { cc=rc[now]; rc[now]=nowfa; lc[nowfa]=cc; } fa[cc]=nowfa; fa[nowfa]=now; fa[now]=fafa; if (fafa!=-1) { if (sum[now]<sum[fafa]) lc[fafa]=now; else rc[fafa]=now; } } } void insert(ll nowpla,ll nowsum) { if (spS==0) { spS++; fa[spR]=lc[spR]=rc[spR]=-1; pla[spR]=nowpla; sum[spR]=nowsum; } else { ll now,last; for (now=spR,last=-1;now!=-1;) { last=now; if (nowsum==sum[now]) break; else if (nowsum<sum[now]) now=lc[now]; else if (nowsum>sum[now]) now=rc[now]; } if (now==-1) { if (nowsum<sum[last]) lc[last]=++spS; else if (nowsum>sum[last]) rc[last]=++spS; fa[spS]=last; lc[spS]=rc[spS]=-1; pla[spS]=nowpla; sum[spS]=nowsum; } } rotate(spS,-1); } ll find(ll nowsum) { for (ll now=spR;now!=-1;) if (nowsum==sum[now]) return now; else if (nowsum<sum[now]) now=lc[now]; else if (nowsum>sum[now]) now=rc[now]; return -1; } ll findlow(ll nowsum) { if (spS==0) return oomax; else { ll lmax=oomax; for (ll now=spR;now!=-1;) if (nowsum<sum[now]) now=lc[now]; else if (nowsum>sum[now]) lmax=sum[now],now=rc[now]; else return nowsum; return lmax; } } ll findlar(ll nowsum) { if (spS==0) return oomin; else { ll rmin=oomin; for (ll now=spR;now!=-1;) if (nowsum<sum[now]) rmin=sum[now],now=lc[now]; else if (nowsum>sum[now]) now=rc[now]; else return nowsum; return rmin; } } void work(ll now,ll maxdis,ll &suma,ll &sumb) { suma=sumb=0; for (ll i=bzS;i>=0;i--) { for (;i>0&&(bza[now][i]==0||bzaa[now][i]+bzab[now][i]+suma+sumb>maxdis);i--) ; if (i==0&&(bza[now][i]==0||bzaa[now][i]+bzab[now][i]+suma+sumb>maxdis)) break; suma+=bzaa[now][i]; sumb+=bzab[now][i]; now=bza[now][i]; } } void main() { while (~scanf("%lld",&n)) { for (ll i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%lld",&h[i]); spS=0,spR=1; memset(fa,0,sizeof(fa)); memset(lc,0,sizeof(lc)); memset(rc,0,sizeof(rc)); memset(pla,0,sizeof(pla)); memset(sum,0,sizeof(sum)); memset(bza,0,sizeof(bza)); memset(bzaa,0,sizeof(bzaa)); memset(bzab,0,sizeof(bzab)); memset(bzb,0,sizeof(bzb)); memset(bzba,0,sizeof(bzba)); memset(bzbb,0,sizeof(bzbb)); for (ll i=n;i>=1;i--) { ll temp[4]; temp[0]=findlow(h[i]); if (temp[0]!=oomax) temp[1]=findlow(temp[0]-1); else temp[1]=oomax; temp[2]=findlar(h[i]); if (temp[2]!=oomin) temp[3]=findlar(temp[2]+1); else temp[3]=oomin; hp=&h[i]; sort(&temp[0],&temp[4],cmph); if (temp[0]!=oomin&&temp[0]!=oomax) { ll now=find(temp[0]); bzb[i][0]=pla[now]; bzba[i][0]=0; bzbb[i][0]=llabs(h[i]-temp[0]); } if (temp[1]!=oomin&&temp[1]!=oomax) { ll now=find(temp[1]); bza[i][0]=pla[now]; bzaa[i][0]=llabs(h[i]-temp[1]); bzab[i][0]=0; } insert(i,h[i]); } ll flag=0; for (ll i=1;i<=n;i++) if (bza[i][0]!=0&&bzb[bza[i][0]][0]!=0) { bza[i][1]=bzb[bza[i][0]][0]; bzaa[i][1]=bzaa[i][0]+bzba[bza[i][0]][0]; bzab[i][1]=bzab[i][0]+bzbb[bza[i][0]][0]; flag=1; } for (ll i=2;flag;i++) { flag=0; for (ll j=1;j<=n;j++) if (bza[j][i-1]!=0&&bza[bza[j][i-1]][i-1]!=0) { bza[j][i]=bza[bza[j][i-1]][i-1]; bzaa[j][i]=bzaa[j][i-1]+bzaa[bza[j][i-1]][i-1]; bzab[j][i]=bzab[j][i-1]+bzab[bza[j][i-1]][i-1]; flag=1; } bzS=i-1; } ll now,x0,ansa=oomax,ansb=0; scanf("%lld",&x0); h[now=n+1]=oomin; for (ll i=1;i<=n;i++) { ll tempa,tempb; work(i,x0,tempa,tempb); if (tempa==0) continue; else if ((ansb==0&&(tempb!=0||(tempb==0&&h[now]<h[i])))||(ansb!=0&&tempb!=0&&(tempa*ansb<tempb*ansa||(tempa*ansb==tempb*ansa&&h[now]<h[i])))) { ansa=tempa; ansb=tempb; now=i; } } printf("%lld\n",now); scanf("%lld",&m); for (ll i=1;i<=m;i++) { ll si,xi,ansa,ansb; scanf("%lld%lld",&si,&xi); work(si,xi,ansa,ansb); printf("%lld %lld\n",ansa,ansb); } } } }; int main() { dts::main(); }
12017-10-08 16:42:35@
实现的预处理,清晰易懂。#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define N 100000 + 5 using namespace std; #define EPS 1e-6 typedef long long ll; #define inf 0x7f7f7f7f class city { public: ll idx, h, abs; city() {}; city(ll x) { h = x; } city(ll a, ll b, ll c) { idx = a, h = b, abs = c; } bool operator < (const city& rhs) const { if (h > rhs.h) return false; else if (h < rhs.h) return true; else return abs < rhs.abs; } } c[N]; int n, x1, m; ll blue[N], red[N]; ll f[N][25], dA[N][25], dB[N][25]; int main() { scanf("%d", &n); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { scanf("%lld", &c[i].h); c[i].idx = i; } c[0] = inf; set<city> s; memset(blue, 0, sizeof blue); memset(red, 0, sizeof red); blue[n - 1] = n; s.insert(c[n]); s.insert(c[n - 1]); for (int i = n - 2; i >= 1; i--) { set<city>::const_iterator i1, i2, i3, i4; city c1, c2, c3, c4; c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = city(0, inf, 0); i3 = s.lower_bound(c[i]); if (i3 == s.end()) { i2 = i3, i2--; i1 = i2, i1--; c1 = city((*i1).idx, abs((*i1).h - c[i].h), 0); c2 = city((*i2).idx, abs((*i2).h - c[i].h), 0); } else if (i3 == s.begin()) { i4 = i3, i4++; c3 = city((*i3).idx, abs((*i3).h - c[i].h), 1); c4 = city((*i4).idx, abs((*i4).h - c[i].h), 1); } else { i2 = i3, i2--; i1 = i2, i1--; i4 = i3, i4++; c2 = city((*i2).idx, abs((*i2).h - c[i].h), 0); c3 = city((*i3).idx, abs((*i3).h - c[i].h), 1); if (i2 != s.begin()) c1 = city((*i1).idx, abs((*i1).h - c[i].h), 0); if (i4 != s.end()) c4 = city((*i4).idx, abs((*i4).h - c[i].h), 1); } city t[15]; t[0] = c1, t[1] = c2, t[2] = c3, t[3] = c4; sort(t, t + 4); blue[i] = t[0].idx; red[i] = t[1].idx; s.insert(c[i]); } for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { f[i][0] = red[i]; if (f[i][0] == 0) dA[i][0] = dB[i][0] = inf; else dA[i][0] = abs(c[red[i]].h - c[i].h); } for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { f[i][1] = blue[f[i][0]]; if (f[i][1] == 0) { dA[i][1] = dB[i][1] = inf; } else { dA[i][1] = dA[i][0]; dB[i][1] = abs(c[f[i][1]].h - c[f[i][0]].h); } } for (int j = 2; j <= 20; j++) { for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { f[i][j] = f[f[i][j - 1]][j - 1]; if (f[i][j] == 0) { dA[i][j] = dB[i][j] = inf; } else { dA[i][j] = dA[i][j - 1] + dA[f[i][j - 1]][j - 1]; dB[i][j] = dB[i][j - 1] + dB[f[i][j - 1]][j - 1]; } } } scanf("%d", &x1); int minid = (*(--s.end())).idx; double minslp = inf; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { ll disA, disB; disA = disB = 0; int cur = i; int x0 = x1; double slp = inf; for (int j = 20; j >= 0; j--) { if (dA[cur][j] + dB[cur][j] <= x0) { while (x0 >= dA[cur][j] + dB[cur][j]) { x0 -= dA[cur][j] + dB[cur][j]; disA += dA[cur][j]; disB += dB[cur][j]; cur = f[cur][j]; } } } if (disB == 0) slp = inf; else slp = double(disA) / double(disB); if (slp < minslp) { minslp = slp; minid = i; } else if (fabs(slp - minslp) <= 1e-9) { if (c[i].h > c[minid].h) { minslp = slp; minid = i; } } } printf("%d\n", minid); scanf("%d", &m); while (m--) { int si, xi; scanf("%d%d", &si, &xi); ll disA, disB; disA = disB = 0; int cur = si; for (int j = 20; j >= 0; j--) { if (dA[cur][j] + dB[cur][j] <= xi) { while (xi >= dA[cur][j] + dB[cur][j]) { xi -= dA[cur][j] + dB[cur][j]; disA += dA[cur][j]; disB += dB[cur][j]; cur = f[cur][j]; } } } printf("%lld %lld\n", disA, disB); } return 0; }
02016-11-14 16:57:18@
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int M = 100005;
const double INF = 0x7fffffff;
typedef long long LL;struct City{
int h, id;
City *r, *l;
City(int a=0, int b=0):h(a), id(b){}
bool operator < (const City& x) const{
return h < x.h;
}c[M], bri[6];bool cmp(City a, City b){
if(abs(a.h) == abs(b.h))
return a.h < b.h;
return abs(a.h) < abs(b.h);
}int n;
int f[M][20], pos[M], to[M], to2[M], f_b[M], h[M];
LL fa[M][20], fb[M][20];void add(City& a, City& b){
b.r = a.r;
a.r = &b;
b.l = &a;
}void delet(City& x){
if(x.r != NULL) x.r->l = x.l;
if(x.l != NULL) x.l->r = x.r;
}void init(){
sort(c+1, c+1+n);
c[1].l = c[1].r = NULL;
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
add(c[i], c[i+1]); //构建双向链表
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
pos[c[i].id] = i; //pos[i]: i 在双向链表中的位置
for(int po = 1; po <= n; po++){ //从1到n找下一个位置,找完删除
int cnt = 0, i = pos[po];
for(City* q = c[i].l; q != NULL && cnt < 2; q = q->l)
if(q->id > c[i].id)
bri[++cnt] = City(q->h - c[i].h, q->id);
int lim = cnt + 1;
for(City* q = c[i].r; q != NULL && cnt <= lim; q = q->r)
if(q->id > c[i].id)
bri[++cnt] = City(q->h - c[i].h, q->id);
if(cnt >= 2) sort(bri+1, bri+1+cnt, cmp);//排序
if(cnt >= 2) fa[po][0] = abs(bri[2].h), to2[po] = bri[2].id;//倍增
if(cnt >= 1) fb[po][0] = abs(bri[1].h), to[po] = bri[1].id;
delet(c[i]);//delet po
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) f_b[i] = fb[i][0];
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
f[i][0] = to[to2[i]];
fb[i][0] = f_b[to2[i]];
for(int j = 1; j <= 19; j++)//倍增
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
f[i][j] = f[f[i][j-1]][j-1];//f记录a走的下一个地点,因为a先走,可能多走一步
fa[i][j] = fa[i][j-1] + fa[f[i][j-1]][j-1];
fb[i][j] = fb[i][j-1] + fb[f[i][j-1]][j-1];
}void solve(){
int x0, ans = 1;
scanf("%d", &x0);
long double mins = INF;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
int x = i;
LL t1 = 0, t2 = 0;
double res = 0;
for(int j = 19; j >= 0; j--)
if(f[x][j] && t1 + t2 + fa[x][j] + fb[x][j] <= x0){
t1 += fa[x][j];
t2 += fb[x][j];
x = f[x][j];
if(t1 + t2 + fa[x][0] <= x0) t1 += fa[x][0];
if(t2 == 0) res = INF;
else res = (double)t1 / (double)t2;
if(res < mins || (res == mins && h[ans] < h[i])){
mins = res;
ans = i;
printf("%d\n", ans);
}void clac(int s, int x){
LL t1 = 0, t2 = 0;
for(int j = 19; j >= 0; j--)
if(f[s][j] && t1 + t2 + fa[s][j] + fb[s][j] <= x){
t1 += fa[s][j];
t2 += fb[s][j];
s = f[s][j];
if(t1 + t2 + fa[s][0] <= x) t1 += fa[s][0];
printf("%lld %lld\n", t1, t2);
}void solve2(){
int m;
scanf("%d", &m);
for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){
int s, x;
scanf("%d%d", &s, &x);
clac(s, x);
}int main()
scanf("%d", &n);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
scanf("%d", &c[i].h);
h[i] = c[i].h, c[i].id = i;
return 0;
链表 + 倍增 -
02016-11-06 11:23:26@
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 200000+10;
typedef long long LL;
int g[maxn][20+2],next1[maxn],next2[maxn];
LL len1[maxn],len2[maxn]; //表示位置i第一近和第二近的路程
LL lenA,lenB; //lenA表示A走的总路程 lenB表示B走的总路程
int n,m,i,j;
struct road
road operator +(const road &a)
road c;
c.A = A + a.A;
c.B = B + a.B;
return c;
struct Point
int id, h; //位置号和高度值
bool operator<(const Point &a) const
return h < a.h;
multiset<Point> S;
multiset<Point>::iterator it;
//更新数组i的 next1 和 next2 与j的位置
void updata(int i ,int h,int j,int h2)
if (!next1[i])
next1[i] = j;
len1[i]= abs(h-h2);
return ;
if ((abs(h-h2) == len1[i] && p[next1[i]].h > h2)
|| (abs(h-h2) < len1[i]))
next2[i] = next1[i];
len2[i] = len1[i];next1[i] = j;
len1[i] = abs(h-h2);
return ;
if (!next2[i])
next2[i] = j;
len2[i]= abs(h-h2);
return ;
if ((abs(h-h2)== len2[i] && p[next1[i]].h > h2)
|| (abs(h-h2) < len2[i]))
next2[i]= j;
len2[i] = abs(h-h2);
//询问从st位置出发a和b走的总路程不超过len 存储的路程为lenA和lenB
void ask(int st,LL len)
for (int j = 20; j >=0; j--)
if (g[st][j]!=0 && f[st][j].A+f[st][j].B<=len)
len -= (f[st][j].A+f[st][j].B);
st = g[st][j];
if (next2[st] && len>=len2[st])
lenA +=len2[st];
}int main()
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
scanf("%d", &p[i].h);
p[i].id = i;
for (int i = n; i>=1; --i)
it = S.lower_bound(p[i]);
if (it != S.end()) //不是末尾
updata(i , p[i].h, it->id, it->h);if (it != S.end()) //不是末尾
it++; //访问后一个
if (it != S.end())
updata(i , p[i].h, it->id, it->h);
}if (it != S.begin())
updata(i , p[i].h, it->id, it->h);
if (it != S.begin())
updata(i , p[i].h, it->id, it->h);
}for (int i = 1; i <= n;++i)
g[i][0] = next1[next2[i]];
f[i][0].A =len2[i];
f[i][0].B =len1[next2[i]];
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; ++i)
for (int j = 1; j <= n;++j)
g[j][i] = g[g[j][i-1]][i-1];f[j][i]= f[j][i-1]+ f[g[j][i-1]][i-1];
LL x;
LL ansA = (LL)round(10e9);
LL ansB = 0;
int Pos = 0;
//从i号出发 走的路程为x
for (int i = 1; i <= n;++i)
{lenA = lenB = 0;
ask(i,x);if (lenB != 0)
if (Pos ==0 || ansA*lenB > lenA * ansB)
Pos = i;
ansA = lenA;
ansB = lenB;
cout << Pos << endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i)
int st;
scanf("%d %d",&st,&x);
lenA = lenB = 0;
cout<<lenA<<" "<<lenB <<endl;
return 0;
} -
02016-09-17 22:13:04@
02016-09-10 15:09:22@
02016-03-21 08:15:49@
测试数据 #0: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28692 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #1: WrongAnswer, time = 15 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #2: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #3: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28692 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #4: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28692 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #5: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #6: WrongAnswer, time = 15 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #7: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #8: WrongAnswer, time = 15 ms, mem = 28692 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #9: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #10: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #11: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #12: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #13: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28692 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #14: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #15: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #16: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #17: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #18: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28688 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #19: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 28692 KiB, score = 0
WrongAnswer, time = 45 ms, mem = 28692 KiB, score = 0
02015-10-29 19:14:06@
02014-10-29 12:22:16@
using namespace std;const int Maxn=1e5+19;
typedef long long LL;
typedef int node[Maxn];
typedef pair<LL,int> PII;
typedef int Array[Maxn][21];
int n,m,x0,X,s,Ans;
int A[Maxn],Bnxt[Maxn];
double Dis=1e70,Hi;
Array Da,Db,to;int f,c;
inline void Read(int &x)
while (!isdigit(c=getchar())&&c!='-');
if (c=='-') f=1,x=0;else f=0,x=c-'0';
while (isdigit(c=getchar())) x=x*10+c-'0';
if (f) x=-x;
}int rt;
struct SBT
int cnt;
node Lsn,Rsn,s;
PII key[Maxn];inline void Update(int x) {s[x]=s[Lsn[x]]+s[Rsn[x]]+1;}
inline void R_Rot(int &x)
int k=Lsn[x];Lsn[x]=Rsn[k];Rsn[k]=x;
inline void L_Rot(int &x)
int k=Rsn[x];Rsn[x]=Lsn[k];Lsn[k]=x;
inline void Maintain(int &x,int Flag)
if (!Flag)
if (s[Lsn[Lsn[x]]]>s[Rsn[x]]) R_Rot(x);
else if (s[Rsn[Lsn[x]]]>s[Rsn[x]]) L_Rot(Lsn[x]),R_Rot(x);else return;
else if (s[Rsn[Rsn[x]]]>s[Lsn[x]]) L_Rot(x);
else if (s[Lsn[Rsn[x]]]>s[Lsn[x]]) R_Rot(Rsn[x]),L_Rot(x);else return;
inline void insert(int &x,PII v)
if (!x) {x=++cnt,key[x]=v,s[x]=1;return;}
inline int find(PII v)
int x=rt;
while (1)
if (key[x]==v) return x;
inline PII pre(int x,PII v)
if (!x) return v;
if (v<=key[x]) return pre(Lsn[x],v);
else {PII tmp=pre(Rsn[x],v);return tmp==v?key[x]:tmp;}
inline PII nxt(int x,PII v)
if (!x) return v;
if (v>=key[x]) return nxt(Rsn[x],v);
else {PII tmp=nxt(Lsn[x],v);return tmp==v?key[x]:tmp;}
} S;int main()
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) Read(A[i]);
for (int i=n;i>=1;i--)
PII x=make_pair(1LL*A[i],i);int k;
PII L=S.pre(rt,x),R=S.nxt(rt,x),T;
if (i==n) continue;
if (i==n-1) {Bnxt[i]=n;continue;}
if (abs(L.first-A[i])<=abs(R.first-A[i]))
} else
for (int x=2;x<=20;x++)
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
int p=to[i][x-1];
for (int y=1;y<=n;y++)
int s=y,X=x0,Aa=0,Ab=0;
for (int i=20;i>=1;i--)
if (to[s][i]&&Da[s][i]+Db[s][i]<=X)
if (Da[s][1]<=X) Aa+=Da[s][1];
double x=(!Ab?1e60:(1.0*Aa)/(1.0*Ab));
if (x<Dis-1e-9||fabs(x-Dis)<1e-9&&A[y]>Hi) Dis=x,Hi=A[y],Ans=y;
while (m--)
int Aa=0,Ab=0;
for (int i=20;i>=1;i--)
if (to[s][i]&&Da[s][i]+Db[s][i]<=X)
if (Da[s][1]<=X) Aa+=Da[s][1];
printf("%d %d\n",Aa,Ab);
} -
02014-08-16 07:05:27@
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int INF=~0U>>2;
int n;
struct High
int ord,Val;
int H[100005];
struct List
int Val,next,last;
inline bool Cmp(const High& A,const High& B)
return A.Val<B.Val;
struct Tree
int S_A,S_B;
int C_A,C_B;
int S[18],CA[18],CB[18];
inline void Build(int Pc,int Pr)
if (L[Pr].last)
if (H[Pc]-H[L[L[Pr].last].Val]<T[Pc].C_B)
if (L[Pr].next)
if (H[L[L[Pr].next].Val]-H[Pc]<T[Pc].C_B)
if (T[Pc].S_B)
if (L[Pr].last)
if (L[L[Pr].last].Val!=T[Pc].S_B)
if (L[L[Pr].last].last && L[L[Pr].last].Val==T[Pc].S_B)
if (L[Pr].next)
if (L[L[Pr].next].Val!=T[Pc].S_B)
if (H[L[L[Pr].next].Val]-H[Pc]<T[Pc].C_A)
if (L[L[Pr].next].next && L[L[Pr].next].Val==T[Pc].S_B)
if (H[L[L[L[Pr].next].next].Val]-H[Pc]<T[Pc].C_A)
if (L[Pr].last) L[L[Pr].last].next=L[Pr].next;
if (L[Pr].next) L[L[Pr].next].last=L[Pr].last;
int Find(int x)
int l=1,r=n,mid;
while (l<r-1)
if (R[mid].Val<x) l=mid;
else r=mid;
for (int i=l;i<=r;i++)
if (R[i].Val==x) return i;
void Double_Inc(int Ps)
for (int i=1;i<18;i++)
pair<int,int> Get_Ans(int P,int x)
int D_A=0,D_B=0;
int V=17;
while (true)
while ((T[P].S[V]==0 || T[P].CA[V]+T[P].CB[V]>x) && V>=0) V--;
if (V>=0) D_A+=T[P].CA[V],D_B+=T[P].CB[V],x-=T[P].CA[V]+T[P].CB[V],P=T[P].S[V];
else break;
if (T[P].S_A && T[P].C_A<=x) D_A+=T[P].C_A;
return pair<int,int>(D_A,D_B);
inline double Calc(int A,int B)
if (B==0) return 1000000000.0;
return (double)A/B;
int main()
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",H+i),R[i].Val=H[i],R[i].ord=i;
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) L[i].Val=R[i].ord;
for (int i=1;i<n;i++) L[i].next=i+1;
for (int i=2;i<=n;i++) L[i].last=i-1;
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) Build(i,Find(H[i]));
for (int i=n;i;i--) Double_Inc(i);
int X0;
int ans;
double Cur=10000000000.0;
for (int i=n;i;i--)
pair<int,int> T=Get_Ans(R[i].ord,X0);
if (Calc(T.first,T.second)<Cur-1e-8) ans=R[i].ord,Cur=Calc(T.first,T.second);
int m;
for (int i=1,p,x;i<=m;i++)
pair<int,int> T=Get_Ans(p,x);
printf("%d %d\n",T.first,T.second);
return 0;
} -
02013-09-05 14:07:45@
编译成功foo.cpp: In function 'int WORK1()':
foo.cpp:269:1: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-type]
测试数据 #0: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49852 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #1: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49856 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #2: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49856 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #3: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49860 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #4: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49856 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #5: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49856 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #6: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49864 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #7: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49864 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #8: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49864 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #9: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49864 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #10: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49900 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #11: Accepted, time = 46 ms, mem = 49900 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #12: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 49900 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #13: Accepted, time = 46 ms, mem = 49892 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #14: Accepted, time = 250 ms, mem = 52204 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #15: Accepted, time = 312 ms, mem = 52204 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #16: Accepted, time = 625 ms, mem = 53624 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #17: Accepted, time = 609 ms, mem = 54088 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #18: Accepted, time = 718 ms, mem = 54556 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #19: Accepted, time = 687 ms, mem = 54552 KiB, score = 5
Accepted, time = 3665 ms, mem = 54556 KiB, score = 100
http://hi.baidu.com/vporvgjwxchmpwe/item/651f91edf52a642d6cabb818 -
-12016-11-06 11:30:38@
用一点数据结构,就解决了。 -
-12016-11-06 11:25:01@
546ms/110960kB -
-12013-10-27 22:52:10@
测试数据 #0: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 36836 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #1: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 36836 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #2: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 36836 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #3: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #4: WrongAnswer, time = 0 ms, mem = 36836 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #5: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #6: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 36836 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #7: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #8: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #9: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #10: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 36836 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #11: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #12: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #13: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 36836 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #14: WrongAnswer, time = 187 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #15: WrongAnswer, time = 234 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #16: Accepted, time = 515 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #17: WrongAnswer, time = 625 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 0
测试数据 #18: Accepted, time = 625 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 5
测试数据 #19: Accepted, time = 484 ms, mem = 36832 KiB, score = 5
WrongAnswer, time = 2823 ms, mem = 36836 KiB, score = 80 -
-12013-08-08 16:51:34@
然后 要查询时递归查询即可
预处理复杂度O(n log n)
查询复杂度O(m log n) -
-22013-08-07 10:17:33@
Q_Q 木有题解
-22012-11-20 17:38:52@
- 1