136 条题解
Sky1231 (sky1231) LV 10 @ 2020-10-20 19:18:23
#include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; namespace dts { struct st_node { int l,r,mid,suml,sumr; }; int n,m; st_node st[(1<<18)+2]; #define lc(now) ((now)<<1) #define rc(now) (((now)<<1)|1) void st_build(int now,int l,int r) { st[now].l=l,st[now].r=r; st[now].suml=st[now].sumr=0; if (l<r) { st[now].mid=(l+r)>>1; st_build(lc(now),l,st[now].mid); st_build(rc(now),st[now].mid+1,r); } } void st_update(int now,int pos,int task)//l:task=1 r:task=-1 { if (st[now].l==pos&&pos==st[now].r) { if (task==1) st[now].suml++; else if (task==-1) st[now].sumr--; } else { if (pos<=st[now].mid) st_update(lc(now),pos,task); else if (st[now].mid+1<=pos) st_update(rc(now),pos,task); if (task==1) st[now].suml=st[lc(now)].suml+st[rc(now)].suml; else if (task==-1) st[now].sumr=st[lc(now)].sumr+st[rc(now)].sumr; } } int st_ask(int now,int l,int r,int task)//l:task=1 r:task=-1 { if (st[now].l==l&&r==st[now].r) { if (task==1) return st[now].suml; else if (task==-1) return st[now].sumr; } else { if (r<=st[now].mid) return st_ask(lc(now),l,r,task); else if (st[now].mid+1<=l) return st_ask(rc(now),l,r,task); else return st_ask(lc(now),l,st[now].mid,task)+st_ask(rc(now),st[now].mid+1,r,task); } } void main() { scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); st_build(1,1,n); for (int i=1;i<=m;i++) { int K,l,r; scanf("%d%d%d",&K,&l,&r); if (K==1) { st_update(1,l,1); if (r+1<=n) st_update(1,r+1,-1); } else if (K==2) { int suml=st_ask(1,1,r,1),sumr=st_ask(1,1,l,-1); printf("%d\n",suml+sumr); } } } } int main() { dts::main(); }
22018-08-20 13:48:50@
开两个树状数组维护即可#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; const int maxn=500040; int a[maxn],b[maxn]; int n,m; int lowbit(int x) { return x&(-x); } void add1(int x,int y) { while(x<=n) { a[x]+=y; x+=lowbit(x); } } void add2(int x,int y) { while(x<=n) { b[x]+=y; x+=lowbit(x); } } int sum1(int x) { int ans=0; while(x>0) { ans+=a[x]; x-=lowbit(x); } return ans; } int sum2(int x) { int ans=0; while(x>0) { ans+=b[x]; x-=lowbit(x); } return ans; } int main(){ cin>>n>>m; while(m--) { int wzx,x,y; scanf("%d",&wzx); if(wzx==1) { scanf("%d %d",&x,&y); add1(x,1); add2(y,1); } if(wzx==2) { scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); printf("%d\n",sum1(y)-sum2(x-1)); } } return 0; }
12022-04-11 18:19:11@
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int L, M, i, j, n; int a[10001], b[10001]; scanf("%d %d",&L, &M); //输入L和M n = M*2;//循环输入b数组0~n的数据 for(i=0; i<n; i+=2) { scanf("%d %d", &b[i], &b[i+1]); } for(i=0; i<=L; i++) //循环给a数组L个元素赋值 { a[i] = i; } int r, s; for(i=0; i<n; i+=2) //遍历访问数组b的各个区间 { r = b[i]; //区间起始点 s = b[i+1]; //区间终点 for(j=r; j<=s; j++) //把数组b各个区间内元素在数组a中映射为0 { a[j] = -1; } } int k=0; for(i=0; i<=L; i++) { if(a[i] != -1) { k++; } } printf("%d", k); return 0; }
02025-02-22 11:35:32@
using namespace std;int n,m,k,l,r;int a1[50005],a2[50005];int c(int x){return x&-x;}void update1(int x,int v){while(x<=n){a1[x]+=v;x+=c(x);}}void update2(int x,int v){while(x<=n){a2[x]+=v;x+=c(x);}}int sum1(int x){int res=0;while(x>0){res+=a1[x];x-=c(x);}return res;}int sum2(int x){int res=0;while(x>0){res+=a2[x];x-=c(x);}return res;}int main(){cin>>n>>m;for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){cin>>k>>l>>r;if(k==1)update1(l,1),update2(r,1);else cout<<sum1(r)-sum2(l-1)<<endl;}}
自己看吧 -
02021-02-19 03:12:00@
用树状数组和线段树都可以,只要可以维护区间加法查询就可以了 - 原理是用两个数据结构分别维护每个树种区间的左端点和右端点,
设查询的区间为tl, tr
一个查询区间里存在的树种的个数(多少个不同的树种区间在我们的区间里)= [1, tr]上左端点的个数 - [1, tl - 1]上右端点的个数。这样就是所有[1, tr]上的区间里有所覆盖的树区间,去掉 只出现在[1, tl - 1]上的树区间,剩下的区间就是所有涉及到[tl, tr]的树区间辣!压力马斯内!(赞赏)经验教训
1. 又没有好好读题,只有单个更新和区间查询,和懒更新毛线的关系都没有,不要多写。。。
2. 刚开始Runtime Error,后来一想线段树至少要开数据规模x4吧,居然没写。。。
3. 快读写了居然用了cin??? 哈 哈。对比一下快了20多ms,快读还是狠滴代码
#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int n, m; int read() { int f = 1, x = 0; char c; c = getchar(); if (c == '-') { f = -1; c = getchar(); } while ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { x *= 10; x += c - '0'; c = getchar(); } return x * f; } struct Node { int l, r, val; Node& operator++() { val++; return *this; } }; const int MAXN = (5e4 + 500) * 10; struct SegmentTree { int cnt, root; Node nodes[MAXN]; SegmentTree() { getNode(root); } int getNode(int& x) { if (!x) { return (x = ++cnt); } return x; } bool exist(int x) { if (!x) return false; return true; } void add(int p, int t, int l, int r) { Node& curr = nodes[p]; if (r < t || t < l || r < l) { return; } if (l == r && l == t) { ++curr; return; } else { int mid = (l + r) / 2; if (t <= mid) { add(getNode(curr.l), t, l, mid); } else if (t > mid) { add(getNode(curr.r), t, mid + 1, r); } } curr.val = nodes[curr.l].val + nodes[curr.r].val; } int query(int p, int tl, int tr, int l, int r) { Node& curr = nodes[p]; if (tl <= l && r <= tr) return curr.val; if (r < tl || tr < l || !exist(p) || r < l) return 0; else { int mid = (l + r) / 2, sum = 0; if (tl <= mid) { sum += query(curr.l, tl, tr, l, mid); } if (tr > mid) { sum += query(curr.r, tl, tr, mid + 1, r); } return sum; } } } lb, rb; //left bracket, right bracket int main() { n = read(); m = read(); for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) { int c, param1, param2; c = read(); param1 = read(); param2 = read(); if (c == 1) { lb.add(lb.root, param1, 1, n); rb.add(rb.root, param2, 1, n); } else { cout << lb.query(lb.root, 1, param2, 1, n) - rb.query(rb.root, 1, param1 - 1, 1, n) << endl; } } return 0; }
02020-07-08 11:07:08@
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #define ll long long #define rll register long long using namespace std; const int MAXN=5e4+5; ll n,m,c1[MAXN],c2[MAXN]; inline ll lowbit(rll i){return i&(-i);} inline void update1(rll x,rll value) { for(rll i=x;i<=n;i+=lowbit(i)) c1[i]+=value; } inline ll find1(rll x) { rll res=0; for(rll i=x;i;i-=lowbit(i)) res+=c1[i]; return res; } inline void update2(rll x,rll value) { for(rll i=x;i<=n;i+=lowbit(i)) c2[i]+=value; } inline ll find2(rll x) { rll res=0; for(rll i=x;i;i-=lowbit(i)) res+=c2[i]; return res; } int main() { scanf("%lld%lld",&n,&m); for(rll i=1,k,l,r;i<=m;i++) { scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&k,&l,&r); if(k==1) { update1(l,1); update2(r,1); } else printf("%lld\n",find1(r)-find2(l-1)); } return 0; }
02017-08-10 16:43:02@
#define F(i,j) for(int i=1;i<=j;i++)
using namespace std;
int n,m,l[50001]={0},r[50001]={0},k,x,y;;
int main(){
for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){
int ans=0,lh=0,rh=0;
} -
02017-03-11 22:45:38@
http://blog.csdn.net/qq_31640513/article/details/61435432 -
02017-01-24 13:03:01@
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
using namespace std;const int N = 50000 + 5;
int n, m, L[N], R[N];
int main() {
scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
while (m--) {
int k, l, r;
scanf("%d%d%d", &k, &l, &r);
if (k == 1) {
for (int x = r; x <= n; x += x & -x) R[x]++;
for (int x = l; x <= n; x += x & -x) L[x]++;
} else {
int ans = 0;
for (int x = r; x; x -= x & -x) ans += L[x];
for (int x = l - 1; x; x -= x & -x) ans -= R[x];
printf("%d\n", ans);
return 0;
} -
02016-08-16 01:22:27@
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define maxN 200010 using namespace std ; typedef long long QAQ ; struct Tree{int l , r ; QAQ liml , limr ;}; Tree tr[maxN<<2]; void Build_Tree ( int x , int y , int i ){ tr[i].l = x ; tr[i].r = y ; if( x==y )return ; else { QAQ mid = (tr[i].l + tr[i].r) >> 1 ; Build_Tree ( x , mid , i<<1); Build_Tree ( mid+1 , y , i<<1|1); return ; } } void Update_left ( int w , int i ){ if( w==tr[i].l && w==tr[i].r )tr[i].liml++; else { QAQ mid = (tr[i].l + tr[i].r) >> 1 ; if( w>mid )Update_left( w , i<<1|1);else if( w<=mid)Update_left( w , i<<1 ); tr[i].liml = tr[i<<1].liml + tr[i<<1|1].liml ; } } void Update_right ( int w , int i ){ if( w==tr[i].l && w==tr[i].r )tr[i].limr++; else { QAQ mid = (tr[i].l + tr[i].r) >> 1 ; if( w>mid )Update_right( w , i<<1|1);else if( w<=mid)Update_right( w , i<<1 ); tr[i].limr = tr[i<<1].limr + tr[i<<1|1].limr ; } } QAQ Query_left ( int q ,int w ,int i ){ if( q<=tr[i].l && w>=tr[i].r )return tr[i].liml ; else { QAQ mid = (tr[i].l + tr[i].r) >> 1 ; if ( q>mid )return Query_left ( q , w , i<<1|1); else if ( w<=mid ) return Query_left ( q , w , i<<1); else return Query_left ( q , w , i<<1|1)+Query_left ( q , w , i<<1); } } QAQ Query_right ( int q ,int w ,int i ){ if( q<=tr[i].l && w>=tr[i].r )return tr[i].limr ; else { QAQ mid = (tr[i].l + tr[i].r) >> 1 ; if ( q>mid )return Query_right ( q , w , i<<1|1); else if ( w<=mid ) return Query_right ( q , w , i<<1); else return Query_right ( q , w , i<<1|1)+Query_right ( q , w , i<<1); } } int main(){ int N,M,op,ll,rr ; scanf("%d %d",&N,&M); Build_Tree ( 1 , N , 1 ) ; while(M--){ scanf("%d%d%d",&op,&ll,&rr); if( op==1 ){ Update_left ( ll , 1); Update_right ( rr , 1 ); } else { QAQ ans = Query_left( 1 , rr , 1); if (ll!=1)ans-=Query_right(1 , ll-1 , 1); printf("%I64d\n",ans); } } return 0 ; }
Horizontal Rule
02016-04-29 16:52:08@
int t1[50001],t2[50001],n,m,k,l,r,ans;
int main()
for(int i=l;i<=n;i+=(i&((~i)+1)))
for(int i=r;i<=n;i+=(i&((~i)+1)))
for(int i=r;i;i-=(i&((~i)+1)))
for(int i=l-1;i;i-=(i&((~i)+1)))
return 0;
} -
02015-10-11 16:38:02@
评测状态 Accepted
题目 P1448 校门外的树
递交时间 2015-10-11 16:36:36
代码语言 C++
评测机 VijosEx
消耗时间 1012 ms
消耗内存 916 KiB
评测时间 2015-10-11 16:36:37
编译成功测试数据 #0: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 916 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #1: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 916 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #2: Accepted, time = 62 ms, mem = 916 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #3: Accepted, time = 78 ms, mem = 916 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #4: Accepted, time = 156 ms, mem = 916 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #5: Accepted, time = 140 ms, mem = 916 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #6: Accepted, time = 140 ms, mem = 916 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #7: Accepted, time = 140 ms, mem = 916 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #8: Accepted, time = 140 ms, mem = 912 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #9: Accepted, time = 156 ms, mem = 916 KiB, score = 1
Accepted, time = 1012 ms, mem = 916 KiB, score = 10
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int h[50010],t[50010];
int n,k;
void add(int a[],int k)
int search(int a[],int k)
int tot=0;
return tot;
int main()
for(int i=1;i<=k;i++)
int a,b,c;
else printf("%d\n",search(h,c)-search(t,b-1));
return 0;
} -
02015-06-30 10:31:02@
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>using namespace std;
int n , m;
int sta;
int t , p;
int i;
int a[ 50000 + 10 ];
int b[ 50000 + 10 ];int lowbit( int x )
return x & ( -x );
}void modify( int q , int delta )
while( q <= n )
a[ q ] += delta;
q += lowbit( q );
}void add( int q , int delta )
while( q <= n )
b[ q ] += delta;
q += lowbit( q );
}int sum( int q )
int ans = 0;
while( q > 0 )
ans += a[ q ];
q -= lowbit( q );
return ans;
}int value( int q )
int ans = 0;
while( q > 0 )
ans += b[ q ];
q -= lowbit( q );
return ans;
}int main()
scanf( "%d %d" , &n , &m );
for( i = 0 ; i < m ; i++ )
scanf( "%d %d %d" , &sta , &t , &p );
if( sta == 1 )
modify( t , 1 );
modify( p , -1 );
add( t , 1 );
printf( "%d\n" , sum( t - 1 ) + value( p ) - value( t - 1 ) );
return 0;
} -
02014-11-05 11:04:56@
a:array[1..50000]of longint;
for i:=1 to m do
if s=1 then for j:=b to c do inc(a[j])
else begin
for j:=b to c do
if a[j]>max then max:=a[j];
end. -
02014-08-07 20:10:06@
测试数据 #0: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 4192 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #1: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 4188 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #2: Accepted, time = 140 ms, mem = 4192 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #3: Accepted, time = 187 ms, mem = 4192 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #4: Accepted, time = 546 ms, mem = 4188 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #5: Accepted, time = 530 ms, mem = 4192 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #6: Accepted, time = 530 ms, mem = 4188 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #7: Accepted, time = 546 ms, mem = 4192 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #8: Accepted, time = 546 ms, mem = 4192 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #9: Accepted, time = 577 ms, mem = 4188 KiB, score = 1
Accepted, time = 3602 ms, mem = 4192 KiB, score = 10
using namespace std;
int n,m,sz=0,l[500500][2];
int a,b,k;
void work()
int tem=0;
for(int i=0;i<sz;i++)
int main()
for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
else l[sz++][0]=min(a,b),l[sz-1][1]=max(a,b);
return 0;
02013-12-19 21:57:24@
编译成功测试数据 #0: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 828 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #1: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 824 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #2: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 828 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #3: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 828 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #4: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 828 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #5: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 828 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #6: Accepted, time = 3 ms, mem = 832 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #7: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 824 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #8: Accepted, time = 3 ms, mem = 828 KiB, score = 1
测试数据 #9: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 824 KiB, score = 1
Accepted, time = 66 ms, mem = 832 KiB, score = 10#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>using namespace std ;
#define MAXN 50010
#define lowbit( x ) ( ( - x ) & x )struct Bit {
int a[ MAXN ] , N ;
void Init( int _N ) {
N = _N ; memset( a , 0 , sizeof( a ) ) ;
void Add( int x , int y ) {
for ( int i = x ; i <= N ; i += lowbit( i ) ) a[ i ] += y ;
int Sum( int x ) {
int rec = 0 ;
for ( ; x ; x -= lowbit( x ) ) rec += a[ x ] ;
return rec ;
} b1 , b2 ;int n , m ;
void getint( int &t ) {
int ch ;
for ( ch = getchar( ) ; ! ( ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ) ; ch = getchar( ) ) ;
t = ch - '0' ;
for ( ch = getchar( ) ; ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ; ch = getchar( ) ) t *= 10 , t += ch - '0' ;
}void putint( int t ) {
if ( ! t ) putchar( '0' )
; else {
int ans[ 20 ] ;
ans[ 0 ] = 0 ;
for ( ; t ; t /= 10 ) ans[ ++ ans[ 0 ] ] = t % 10 ;
for ( int i = ans[ 0 ] ; i ; i -- ) putchar( '0' + ans[ i ] ) ;
putchar( '\n' );
}int main( ) {
getint( n ) , getint( m ) ;
b1.Init( n ) , b2.Init( n ) ;
while ( m -- ) {
int x , y , z ;
getint( x ) , getint( y ) , getint( z ) ;
if ( x == 1 ) b1.Add( y , 1 ) , b2.Add( z , 1 ) ;
else putint( b1.Sum( z ) - b2.Sum( y - 1 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
} -
02013-11-01 13:16:50@
02013-08-01 21:21:14@
02012-10-16 09:44:38@
├ 测试数据 01:答案正确... (0ms, 972KB)
├ 测试数据 02:答案正确... (0ms, 972KB)
├ 测试数据 03:答案正确... (0ms, 972KB)
├ 测试数据 04:答案正确... (0ms, 972KB)
├ 测试数据 05:答案正确... (0ms, 972KB)
├ 测试数据 06:答案正确... (0ms, 972KB)
├ 测试数据 07:答案正确... (465ms, 972KB)
├ 测试数据 08:答案正确... (1184ms, 972KB)
├ 测试数据 09:答案正确... (3325ms, 972KB)
├ 测试数据 10:答案正确... (3325ms, 972KB)---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|-
Accepted / 100 / 8300ms / 972KB虽然费时,但是我会告诉你我用的模拟吗?模拟啊!模拟啊!writeln!我本来都以为AC率就这么没了呢!!
02012-09-04 21:28:59@
var a:array[0..200000,1..2]{1表示开始点,2表示终端} of longint;
Procedure change(l,r,x,pos,num:longint);{记录每一个区间的开始点与终端}
if (pos>r)or(pos=ml then exit(0);
if ml>r then exit(a[x,2]);
le:=searchle(l,(l+r)div 2,2*x);
ri:=searchle((l+r)div 2+1,r,2*x+1);
end;Function searchri(l,r,x:longint):longint;{寻找右侧不相交区间数}
var le,ri:longint;
if r