46 条题解
不退 LV 8 @ 2018-04-23 23:25:23
公式就是c-=(k-'A')(应该还是比较好想的)然后根据原来密文中的大小写形式转化大小写即可。#include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int now; char k[105],c[1005]; int main() { cin>>k; for(int i=0;i<=strlen(k)-1;++i) if(k[i]>='a') k[i]-=('a'-'A'); cin>>c; for(int i=0;i<=strlen(c)-1;++i) { if(c[i]>='a') { c[i]-=(k[now]-'A'); now++; while(c[i]<'a') c[i]+=26; } else { c[i]-=(k[now]-'A'); now++; while(c[i]<'A') c[i]+=26; } if(now>strlen(k)-1) now=0; } cout<<c; return 0; }
32017-09-05 21:54:15@
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; char key[128]; char info[1024]; char ans[1024]; #define IsUpperCase(ch) ((ch) >= 'A' && (ch) <= 'Z') #define UpperCase(ch) (IsUpperCase(ch) ? ch : (ch - 'a' + 'A')) int main() { scanf("%s %s", key, info); for (int i = 0; i < strlen(info); ++ i) ans[i] = ((UpperCase(info[i]) - UpperCase(key[i % strlen(key)])) + 26) % 26 + (IsUpperCase(info[i]) ? 'A' : 'a'); puts(ans); return 0; }
22016-12-11 04:15:25@
// P1778vigenere密码 https://vijos.org/p/1778
// by Equim 3:50~4:12
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>int main()
char key[101];
char ciphertext[1001];
char plaintext[1001];
scanf("%s", key);
scanf("%s", ciphertext);// PROCESS
int keyLength = strlen(key);
int i;
for(i = 0;ciphertext[i]!='\0';i++)
plaintext[i] = ciphertext[i] - (key[i%keyLength]-'a');
if ((ciphertext[i] <= 'Z' && plaintext[i] < 'A') || (ciphertext[i] >= 'a' && plaintext[i] < 'a'))
plaintext[i] += 26;
plaintext[i] = '\0';// OUTPUT
printf("%s", plaintext);
return 0;
``` -
22016-11-18 18:23:08@
program vigenere; var k: string; m, c, kc, ans: char; i, j, n, l: integer; low: boolean; begin // assign(input,'vigenere.in'); assign(output,'vigenere.out'); // reset(input); rewrite(output); readln(k); l:=length(k); n := 0; while not eoln{(input)} do begin inc(n); read(c); low := true; if (ord(c) <= 90) then low := false; c := upcase(c); i := n mod l; if (i = 0) then i := l; kc := upcase(k[i]); j := ord(c) - ord(kc) + 1; if (j <= 0) then j := j + 26; j := j + 64; ans := chr(j); if low then ans := lowercase(ans); write(ans); end; // close(input); close(output); end.
22016-07-11 19:02:38@
进行那个公式前 都要转为大写 ,所有的都是大写 最后 并保持字母在明文M中的大小写形式. 枚举一下就ok
12021-09-04 14:08:08@
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { string k,c; cin>>k>>c; for (int i=0;i<c.length();i++) { int t=(k[i%k.length()]&31)-1; c[i]=(c[i]&31)-t>0?c[i]-t:c[i]-t+26; } cout<<c<<endl; return 0; }
12018-02-06 10:11:15@
#include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int k; int a[110]; char s1[1010], s2[1010]; int change(char c) { if(c>='A'&&c<='Z') return c-65; if(c>='a'&&c<='z') return c-97; return 0; } int main() { char x; x=getchar(); int j=0; while((x>='a'&&x<='z')||(x>='A'&&x<='Z')) { j++; a[j]=change(x); x=getchar(); } scanf("%s", s1); strcpy(s2, s1); for(int i=0; i<strlen(s1); i++) { k=i+1; k=(k-1)%j+1; for(int jj=1; jj<=a[k]; jj++) { s2[i]--; if(s2[i]==64) s2[i]+=26; if(s2[i]==96) s2[i]+=26; } } printf("%s", s2); return 0; }
12017-10-02 14:32:05@
#include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <deque> #include <set> #include <limits> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; const int oo_min=0xcfcfcfcf,oo_max=0x3f3f3f3f; const int a_n=26; int c_size,key_size; int c_v[1000+1]; int m_v[1000+1]; int key_v[1000+1]; #define key_v(x) key_v[(x-1)%key_size+1] char c[1000+1]; #define c(x) c[x-1] char key[1000+1]; #define key(x) key[x-1] int c_t_i_1(char c) { if ('A'<=c&&c<='Z') return c-'A'; else if ('a'<=c&&c<='z') return c-'a'; } int main() { while (~scanf("%s",key)) { key_size=strlen(key); for (int i=1;i<=key_size;i++) key_v[i]=c_t_i_1(key(i)); getchar(); scanf("%s",c); c_size=strlen(c); for (int i=1;i<=c_size;i++) c_v[i]=c_t_i_1(c(i)); getchar(); for (int i=1;i<=c_size;i++) { m_v[i]=(c_v[i]-key_v(i))%a_n; while (m_v[i]<0) m_v[i]+=a_n; if ('A'<=c(i)&&c(i)<='Z') printf("%c",m_v[i]+'A'); else if ('a'<=c(i)&&c(i)<='z') printf("%c",m_v[i]+'a'); } } }
12016-11-17 15:44:10@
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>int main(){
char key[150],A[1500],B[1500],capital[1500]={0};
for(int i=0;i<strlen(key);i++)
for(int i=0;i<strlen(A);i++)
for(int i=0;i<strlen(A);i++){
for(char c='a';c<='z';c++)
for(int i=0;i<strlen(A);i++)
return 0;
} -
12016-11-15 21:51:27@
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> using namespace std; string str, strC; map<char, char> Map[100], _Map[200]; void Init() { //大写 int nCount = 0; char C = 0; for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++) { nCount = 0; C = ch; while (nCount < 26) { if (C > 'Z') C = 'A'; Map[ch][nCount + 65] = C; C ++; nCount ++; } } //小写 for (char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) { nCount = 0; C = ch; while (nCount < 26) { if (C > 'z') C = 'a'; _Map[ch][nCount + 97] = C; C ++; nCount ++; } } } int main() { Init(); //密匙 密文 cin >> str >> strC; for (int i = 0; i < strC.length(); i++) { char ch_C = strC[i]; char ch_S = str[i % str.length()]; //大写 if (ch_C >= 'A' && ch_C <= 'Z') { if (ch_S < 'A' || ch_S > 'Z') ch_S -= 32; for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++) { if (Map[ch][ch_S] == ch_C) { cout << ch; break; } } } //小写 else { if (ch_S < 'a' || ch_S > 'z') ch_S += 32; for (char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) { if (_Map[ch][ch_S] == ch_C) { cout << ch; break; } } } } return 0; }
12016-10-14 13:27:33@
using namespace std;
char k[105],m[1005],c[1005];
int main(){
int i,j,l,loth;
int a=i%l,tmp,temp;
if(k[a]>='a'&&k[a]<='z') tmp='a';
else if(k[a]>='A'&&k[a]<='Z') tmp='A';
if(c[i]>='a'&&c[i]<='z') temp='a';
else if(c[i]>='A'&&c[i]<='Z') temp='A';
return 0;
02022-08-30 10:01:05@
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> using namespace std; void turn(char &x); int main() { char key[1000],secret[1000]; int len1,len2; int i,j; cin.getline(key,999,'\n');//输入密钥 cin.getline(secret,999,'\n');//输入密文 len1=strlen(key);//求密钥长度 len2=strlen(secret);//求密文长度 for(i=0; i<len1; i++) //将密钥转换为大写字母 turn(key[i]); for(i=0,j=0; i<len2; i++) //从头开始解密 { if(secret[i]<='Z')//大写的情况 { secret[i]=secret[i]-(key[j]-'A');//按规则解密 j++; if(secret[i]<'A')//若明文小于A secret[i]='Z'-('A'-secret[i])+1;//从字母表倒序转换 } else//小写的情况 { secret[i]=secret[i]-(key[j]-'A');//按规则解密 j++; if(secret[i]<'a')//若明文小于a secret[i]='z'-('a'-secret[i])+1;//从字母表倒序转换 } if(j>len1-1)//若明文长度大于密钥长度,重复使用密钥 j=0; } cout<<secret<<endl; return 0; } void turn(char &x) { if((x>='a')&&(x<='z')) x-=32; }
02020-04-06 15:12:05@
#include <iostream> //[2012提高组Day1-A]Vigenère密码 #include <algorithm> #include <string> using namespace std; string Alp = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; string alp = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int dik(char k) { if(k >= 'A' && k <= 'Z') return k - 'A'; return k - 'a'; } char Pass(char c, char k) { if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return Alp[(dik(c) - dik(k) + 26) % 26]; return alp[(dik(c) - dik(k) + 26) % 26]; } int main() { string key, C, M; cin >> key >> C; int Lc = C.length(), Lk = key.length(); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Lc; i++) { M += Pass(C[i], key[j]); j = (j + 1) % Lk; } cout << M << endl; system("pause"); return 0; }
02018-02-06 10:08:03@
#include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int k; int a[110]; char s1[1010], s2[1010]; int change(char c) { if(c>='A'&&c<='Z') return c-65; if(c>='a'&&c<='z') return c-97; return 0; } int main() { char x; x=getchar(); int j=0; while((x>='a'&&x<='z')||(x>='A'&&x<='Z')) { j++; a[j]=change(x); x=getchar(); } scanf("%s", s1); strcpy(s2, s1); for(int i=0; i<strlen(s1); i++) { k=i+1; k=(k-1)%j+1; for(int jj=1; jj<=a[k]; jj++) { s2[i]--; if(s2[i]==64) s2[i]+=26; if(s2[i]==96) s2[i]+=26; } } printf("%s", s2); return 0; }
02016-11-15 21:51:06@
感觉原题意更好写啊 有一个表的 MAP一下就好了啊
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;string str, strC;
map<char, char> Map[100], _Map[200];void Init() {
int nCount = 0;
char C = 0;
for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++) {
nCount = 0;
C = ch;
while (nCount < 26) {
if (C > 'Z') C = 'A';
Map[ch][nCount + 65] = C;C ++;
nCount ++;
for (char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) {
nCount = 0;
C = ch;
while (nCount < 26) {
if (C > 'z') C = 'a';
_Map[ch][nCount + 97] = C;C ++;
nCount ++;
int main() {
//密匙 密文
cin >> str >> strC;
for (int i = 0; i < strC.length(); i++) {
char ch_C = strC[i];
char ch_S = str[i % str.length()];
if (ch_C >= 'A' && ch_C <= 'Z') {
if (ch_S < 'A' || ch_S > 'Z') ch_S -= 32;
for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++) {
if (Map[ch][ch_S] == ch_C) {
cout << ch;
else {
if (ch_S < 'a' || ch_S > 'z') ch_S += 32;
for (char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) {
if (_Map[ch][ch_S] == ch_C) {
cout << ch;
}return 0;
} -
02016-11-15 09:26:46@
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; //Limits const int N=100; const int M=1000; const int MOD=26; //Main char key[N+1]; char cip[M+1]; int main() { freopen("a.in","r",stdin); freopen("a.out","w",stdout); scanf("%s",key+1); int keylen=strlen(key+1); scanf("%s",cip+1); int ciplen=strlen(cip+1); int i=1; for(int j=1;j<=ciplen;j++) { int k=tolower(key[i])-'a'; int c=tolower(cip[j])-'a'; int m=(c-k+MOD)%MOD+'a'; if(isupper(cip[j]))m=toupper(m); printf("%c",m); i++; if(i==keylen+1)i=1; } printf("\n"); return 0; }
02016-11-12 14:23:13@
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; char k[101],a[1001],b[1001],c[1001]; int main() { int size,i,keys; gets(k); gets(a); size=strlen(a); keys=strlen(k); for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { if(k[i]>='a'&&k[i]<='z') k[i]-=32; if(a[i]>='a'&&a[i]<='z') b[i]=a[i]-32; else b[i]=a[i]; } for(i=0;i<size;i++) { int j=i%keys; if(b[i]>=k[j]) c[i]=b[i]+65-k[j]; else c[i]=b[i]+65-k[j]+26; if(a[i]>='a'&&a[i]<='z') c[i]+=32; } cout<<c; return 0; }
02016-08-29 16:49:54@
var k,m,s:ansistring;
while length(k)<length(m)do k:=k+k;
for i:=1 to length(m)do
for c:='A'to'Z'do
if ord(m[i])=(ord(c)-ord('A')*2+ord(k[i]))mod 26+ord('A')then
for i:=1 to length(m)do
if s[i]=upcase(s[i])then write(m[i])else
02016-05-15 11:07:46@
公式要自己思考出来#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> int main(){ char key[150]; char classified[1500]; std::cin>>key>>classified; int i=0,len=strlen(key); int capital,c; while(classified[i]!='\0'){ c=key[i%len]; capital=c>='A'&&c<='Z'; if(!capital) key[i%len]+=-'a'+'A'; c=classified[i]; capital=c>='A'&&c<='Z'; if(!capital) c=c-'a'+'A'; for(int x='A';x<='Z';x++) if(c==(x-'A'+key[i%len]-'A')%26+'A') if(capital) printf("%c",x); else printf("%c",x-'A'+'a'); i++; } return 0; }
02015-11-15 18:39:45@
评测状态 Accepted
题目 P1778 vigenere密码
递交时间 2015-11-15 18:32:15
代码语言 C++
评测机 VijosEx
消耗时间 45 ms
消耗内存 252 KiB
评测时间 2015-11-15 18:32:17评测结果
foo.cpp: In function 'char qw(char, char)':
foo.cpp:31:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]
^测试数据 #0: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 248 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #1: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 252 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #2: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 248 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #3: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 252 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #4: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 248 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #5: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 252 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #6: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 248 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #7: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 252 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #8: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 252 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #9: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 252 KiB, score = 10
Accepted, time = 45 ms, mem = 252 KiB, score = 100