foo.pas(4,3) Error: Identifier not found "st"
foo.pas(4,10) Error: Identifier not found "st"
foo.pas(4,16) Error: Identifier not found "flag"
foo.pas(5,8) Error: Identifier not found "n"
foo.pas(6,6) Error: Identifier not found "c"
foo.pas(6,12) Error: Identifier not found "ans"
foo.pas(6,14) Error: Identifier not found "c"
foo.pas(6,19) Error: Identifier not found "st"
foo.pas(9,5) Error: Identifier not found "f"
foo.pas(9,24) Error: Identifier not found "d"
foo.pas(11,12) Error: Identifier not found "flag"
foo.pas(11,24) Error: Identifier not found "d"
foo.pas(14,5) Error: Identifier not found "f"
foo.pas(14,24) Error: Identifier not found "d"
foo.pas(16,10) Error: Identifier not found "st"
foo.pas(16,21) Error: Identifier not found "flag"
foo.pas(17,4) Fatal: Syntax error, "BEGIN" expected but "end of file" found
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: C:\FPC\2.6.2\bin\i386-win32\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specify a source file to be compiled)