85 条题解
-1Accepted_upc LV 8 @ 2016-09-13 09:44:19
#include <set> #include <map> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <cassert> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define maxn (10000 + 20) #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f #define pi acos(-1.0) using namespace std; typedef long long int LLI; int dp[maxn]; int k[maxn],m[maxn]; int main() { // freopen("in.txt","r",stdin); // freopen("out.txt","w",stdout); int v,n,c; memset(dp,-1,sizeof(dp)); dp[0] = 0; scanf("%d%d%d",&v,&n,&c); for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf("%d%d",&k[i],&m[i]); for(int i = 1; i <= n; i ++) { for(int j = v; j >= 0; j --) { if(dp[j] == -1) continue; int p = min(j + k[i],v); if(dp[p] == -1) dp[p] = dp[j] + m[i]; else dp[p] = min(dp[p],dp[j] + m[i]); } } if(dp[v] > c || dp[v] == -1) { printf("Impossible\n"); } else { printf("%d\n",c - dp[v]); } return 0; }
-12015-10-25 21:27:54@
评测状态 Accepted
题目 P1625 精卫填海(HOI)
递交时间 2015-10-25 21:26:51
代码语言 Pascal
评测机 VijosEx
消耗时间 917 ms
消耗内存 892 KiB
评测时间 2015-10-25 21:26:53
编译成功Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.4 [2014/03/06] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2014 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling foo.pas
foo.pas(18,22) Warning: Variable "f" does not seem to be initialized
foo.pas(3,9) Note: Local variable "k" not used
foo.pas(3,16) Note: Local variable "l" not used
foo.pas(3,18) Note: Local variable "m" not used
Linking foo.exe
26 lines compiled, 0.1 sec , 28224 bytes code, 1644 bytes data
1 warning(s) issued
3 note(s) issued
测试数据 #0: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 888 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #1: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 888 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #2: Accepted, time = 46 ms, mem = 888 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #3: Accepted, time = 31 ms, mem = 888 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #4: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 892 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #5: Accepted, time = 109 ms, mem = 888 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #6: Accepted, time = 156 ms, mem = 888 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #7: Accepted, time = 109 ms, mem = 888 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #8: Accepted, time = 203 ms, mem = 892 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #9: Accepted, time = 218 ms, mem = 888 KiB, score = 10
Accepted, time = 917 ms, mem = 892 KiB, score = 100
program vijos1625
w,v:Array[0..10000] of longint;
f:array[0..10000] of longint;
function max(a,b:longint):longint;
if a>b then exit(a);exit(b);
// assign(input,'1.in');reset(input);
for i:=1 to n do
for i:=1 to n do
for j:=c downto v[i] do
for i:=1 to c do
if f[i]>=vt then
01背包,做完从头到尾扫一遍就好 -
-12014-11-04 20:26:15@
-12014-11-04 10:53:56@
using namespace std;struct Stone{int v,c;}s[10005];
int v,n,c,Ans,f[10005];
int main()
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(int j=c;j>=s[i].c;j--)
if(f[j]>=v) Ans=min(Ans,j);
if(Ans>c) puts("Impossible");
else printf("%d\n",c-Ans);
return 0;
} -
-12013-07-14 17:37:41@
测试数据 #0: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 660 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #1: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 660 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #2: Accepted, time = 15 ms, mem = 660 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #3: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 664 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #4: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 660 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #5: Accepted, time = 62 ms, mem = 664 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #6: Accepted, time = 46 ms, mem = 660 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #7: Accepted, time = 78 ms, mem = 660 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #8: Accepted, time = 109 ms, mem = 660 KiB, score = 10
测试数据 #9: Accepted, time = 171 ms, mem = 656 KiB, score = 10
Accepted, time = 481 ms, mem = 664 KiB, score = 100