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AOCode Round #3 & AOSC #2

AOCode Round #3 & AOSC #2 — Mission 2

Contest time: \(\color{red}\texttt{2022-2-7 }\texttt{18:00}\sim\texttt{20:00}\)

\(Rated\) Bound: \(\textcolor{black}{0}\sim\textcolor{blue}{1999}\)

Available \(perf\) Bound: \(\textcolor{black}{0}\sim\textcolor{red}{2971.594545}\)

AOCode Round #3 & AOSC #2 Result

AOCode Round #3 & AOSC #2 Result: (Ranked by \(perf\))

Rank Name perf Ori. Rating New Rating Rating Change
0 AppOfficer 2971.59 (800) 1411.34 +611.343
1 Cui2010 1801.88 (800) 1100.42 +300.421
2 LCN100324 1234.96 (800) 937.176 +137.176
3 Li0204 1158.05 (800) 913.923 +113.923
4 Aurora. 1059.08 (800) 883.463 +83.4628
5 mhb2010 860.302 (800) 820.008 +20.0083
6 cleverxia 729.229 (800) 775.28 -24.7202
7 xcx0902 729.229 (800) 775.28 -24.7202
8 piggy123 690.987 (800) 761.608 -38.3921
9 热翻天564 525.89 (800) 699.258 -100.742
10 yangzd 512.768 (800) 694.007 -105.993
11 Kyron 460.281 (800) 672.431 -127.569
12 Caesar Wang 437.783 (800) 662.862 -137.138
13 njwza88 385.888 (800) 639.892 -160.108
14 kevin11 358.163 (800) 627.007 -172.993
15 Zhangyx 330.873 (800) 613.814 -186.186
16 波音747 228.424 (800) 557.678 -242.322
17 eming7662 98.9392 (800) 448.656 -351.344
18 River_person 95.723 (800) 444.488 -355.512

Note that the final Rating is rounded.

First Blood

Problem Who
B1 Li0204
B2 LCN100324
C LCN100324
E piggy123
F1 piggy123
F2 Li0204

About AOCode Round #3

Welcome to AOCode Round #3!
Anyone could attend the Contest.
We are waiting for you to attend!

The contest has totally \(9\) Problems, and the mode is IOI.

Additionally, this contest is the \(1^{st}\) contest ever to be \(Rated\large\ !\)

About AOSC #2

AOSC, the short form of AOCode Story Contest, is going to hold its #2 Contest.
Anyone could attend the Contest!
We are waiting for you to attend!

The Contest’s mode is OI usually in AOSC, and this contest’s mode is IOI.

As an AOSC is a story contest, it'll have its own story background:

Mission 2 Background

After coming back, the Chairman of the RAO (the Republic of AOCode) and the CPAO (the Communist Party of AOCode) AppOfficer makes Radar the vice chairman.

One day, the USW (the United States of Wrongs, including WA state, TLE state, MLE state, OLE state, UKE state, RE state and so on) launches an enormous war at the RC (the Republic of Corrects, including AC province). The RC calls the Kingdom of PC to help, but still can’t resist the armies of the USW. So now, the RC is calling the RAO to help.

To make it still available to AC on AOCode, The CPAO accepts the plan and lets the brave vice chairman Radar lead \(1000000000\) OIers to help. Before setting off, Radar got some information which tells him that actually it’s not the USW who launches the war, it’s someone else. After reading this information, Radar takes it with him, then sets off.

So what would happen in the war?

Contest Problems

Please Focus on this table!

Problem No. Problem Division Problem Difficulty Standard-Code Written? Dataset Prepared?
\(\tt\#1\) \(A1\ ({\rm easy})\) \(\color{green}850\) \(\sqrt{}\) \(\sqrt{}\)
\(\tt\#2\) \(A2\ ({\rm hard})\) \(\color{green}950\) \(\sqrt{}\) \(\sqrt{}\)
\(\tt\#3\) \(B1\ ({\rm easy})\) \(\color{grey}150\) \(\sqrt{}\) \(\sqrt{}\)
\(\tt\#4\) \(B2\ ({\rm mid})\) \(\color{blue}1950\) \(\sqrt{}\) \(\sqrt{}\)
\(\tt\#5\) \(B3\ ({\rm hard})\) \(\color{yellowgreen}2100\) \(\sqrt{}\) \(\sqrt{}\)
\(\tt\#6\) \(C\) \(\color{grey}250\) \(\sqrt{}\) \(\sqrt{}\)
\(\left\{\tt\#?\right\}\) \(\left\{D\right\}\) \(\color{black}——\) \(——\) \(——\)
\(\tt\#7\) \(E\) \(\color{brown}450\) \(\sqrt{}\) \(\sqrt{}\)
\(\tt\#8\) \(F1\) \(\color{brown}650\) \(\sqrt{}\) \(\sqrt{}\)
\(\tt\#9\) \(F2\) \(\color{green}900\) \(\sqrt{}\) \(\sqrt{}\)
\(\left({\rm Average}\right)\ \color{green}916.67\)


As this is a IOI Contest, you will get your result right after submitting a problem. Note that in mode IOI, the final score of a problem is calculated on your final submitting of the problem. More about modes OI and ACM/ICPC...
You should not cheat. If you cheat, you will turn to a cheater immediately. If we find you still cheat after turning into a cheater, you will be a forbidden.

After all…

Good Luck, everyone!

\[\texttt{---------------------------- }\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \mathcal{{AOCode}\ \copyright\ Copyright}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \texttt{ ----------------------------}\newline\texttt{---------------------------- }\ \mathcal{Sponsored\ by\ {AOCode\ OJ\ Team}}\ \texttt{ ----------------------------}\]

2022-02-06 18:00
2022-02-06 20:18
2.3 小时